- Food forest
- Bees and butterflies
Pulmonaria officinalis
Gorgeous early flowering ground herb that is loved by native bees
USES Culinary, Pollinators, Ornamental
Attractive ground herb with patterned leaves flowers in February onwards, making it a favourite of early season native bees such as the Hairy Footed Bee.
Young leaves are edible and can be added to salads or used as a potherb and make a palatable cooked vegetable.
RECOMMENDED LOCATION Wildlife garden, Ornamental garden
Aspect Shade, Moist shade, Moist partial shade
Height 25cm
Spread 45cm
Hardiness Hardy in UK WInter
Management and care Apparently Lungwort is one of the few plants that is immune to the alleopathic effects of black walnut trees (which supresses growth of plants around them) and so makes a lovely underplanting for Walnut trees.
Lungwort (Pulmonaria sp) gets its name from the fact that early herbalists thought the leaves of the plant looked like a lung, and therefore would treat lung disorders. This isn’t true, but the name has stuck.
The plant is an ingredient of the drink Vermouth.